How to Watch the Moon Photobombing Mars on On December 7: "A Rare and Wonderful Astronomical Event"
A rare celestial event will occur on Dec. 7, when the moon will pass directly...
Bats Use Same Techniques as Death Metal Singers to Vocalize, Study Finds
Bats may have some appropriate counterparts in the music world. Scientists have found winged creatures...
Yes, Dolphins Can Whistle Their Names, New Study Proves
Scientists have long known that dolphins used individualized whistles to identify themselves and communicate with...
Mars Rover Digs up Samples That Hold Life-Friendly Molecules "in Pretty Much Every Rock"'
NASA's Mars rover Perseverance has made a discovery that's exciting scientists: It has found evidence...
Scientists Are Close to Creating Genetically-Edited Chickens That are Resistant to Bird Flu and Could Prevent Egg Shortages
Scientists say they're close to creating chickens that are genetically modified to prevent bird flu,...
Elon Musk's Starlink and Other Satellites Could Harm the Environment, New Report Warns
A new era in space exploration is underway—and while experts are hailing the launch of...
Humans Were Cooking As Early As 780,000 Years Ago, New Groundbreaking Discovery Proves. It Was Probably Fish.
Cooking was a fundamental step in human evolution. "Around 1 to 2 million years ago,...
Hungry "Megabats" Could Start the Next Pandemic, Researchers Have Discovered
Scientists in Australia have identified an animal they suspect might be the source of the...
Yes, Turtles Can Make Sounds, and This is What They Sound Like
Turtles have a few trademarks: namely, their shells, their slowness, and their silence. They're not...
Webb Space Telescope Spots Two of the Most Distant Galaxies Ever, Images Stun Scientists: "Stars Million Times Brighter Than Our Sun"
When NASA launched the James Webb telescope, astronomers hoped its infrared and high-resolution capabilities would...
NASA Study: Sea Level Along Contiguous U.S. Coastlines Could Rise as Much as 12 Inches By 2050
A new NASA study indicates that the sea level along U.S. coastlines could rise more...
NASA Promises Humans Living on the Moon in 10 Years
On the heels of the launch of its Artemis I rocket, NASA says that humans...
You Can Now Buy Tickets to Travel to Space in a Gigantic Luxury Balloon with Champagne and WiFi
If you're interested in becoming a space tourist, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk...
Scientists Discover New "Indestructible" Species And Name it After Lord Voldemort's Snake From the "Harry Potter" Books
A new species of animal scientists consider indestructible has been found in Finland—and researchers have...
Archaeologists Believe They May Have Finally Found the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra
Finding the lost tomb of Cleopatra, legendary queen of ancient Egypt, is a kind of...
NASA's Spacecraft Captures Stunning Footage of First View of Earth from Orion
The launch of NASA's much-heralded Artemis I rocket went off without a hitch on Wednesday...
Back from the Dead? Scientists in California Found a Live Clam That Was Supposed to be Extinct for 40,000 Years
It may sound like a horror-movie mashup: Something in the water seems to have come...
3 Things to Watch For as NASA Returns to Moon After 50 Years
This week, the U.S. space program moved closer to the long-held promise of returning to...