Man's 100th Birthday Wish Was to Pet Dogs

"He just love, love, loves dogs."

20 Things Men Over 45 Need to Do Now

Follow these proven tips and live longer and better.

4 False Signs of Relationship Chemistry

It's an all-too-common scenario.

5 Secrets to John Goodman's Weight Loss

The actor cut his bodyweight in half by following a few simple rules.

Schools Allow Children to Identify as Horses

A new trend has students insisting on being recognized as "furries."

Dog's Incredible Journey Home

...against significant odds.

Conquer Stress and Find Inner Peace: 12 Strategies for a Calmer Mind

Chronic stress can contribute to an early death, so let it go. 

15 Things Men Over 40 Should Never Say

There comes a point in every man's life certain phrases should never be used.

7 Risks Hidden in Raw Seafood Consumption

Here is what you need to know about rare bacteria.

Man with 6 Wives Wants 4 More and Plans to Have Children With Them All Via Surrogates So Nobody Gets "Upset"

Brazilian model reveals how he's planning to expand his family with all six of his wives. 

Women Share Moments When Partner Did Not Care

Women reveal cringeworthy experiences they've had with partners and many are shocking. 

Bride-to-Be Sparks Controversy Saying Bridesmaids Shouldn't Pay "For a Single Thing"

"Your wedding is not your bridesmaid's financial responsibility."

Video Showing How Often You Should Wash Your Clothes Sparks "Dirty" Debate

People are horrified by these "disgusting" laundry guidelines.

Her Royal Corgis: Inside the Life of Queen Elizabeth's Pampered Pooches

To say the Queen's beloved dogs get the Royal treatment is an understatement.