Woman Reveals How She Lost 20 Pounds in 1 Year by Eating These Four Foods
And, three foods she totally cut out.
Weight loss doesn't have to be a complicated equation. Most people claim the secret to losing weight is simple: Eat healthier and exercise more. Sometimes, eliminating a few foods from your diet and adding a few more can be the ultimate game changer. Just ask Alexis Abel, an influencer who recently dropped 20 pounds in a year and auditioned for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition model search.

Abel, who goes by the TikTok handle @miss_alexabel, claims that adding four foods to her diet – and also eliminating a few more – helped her achieve her model body. "[It was] actually a lot simpler than you think," she says in the clip, revealing four foods she eats to stay in shape.

Alexis is a big fan of Whole Foods' gluten-free chickpea pasta shells."I started focusing my meals around protein, so this chickpea pasta became my life. Honestly, they should sponsor me by how much I eat it, still to this day," she said. Usually she will make it with chicken sausage, sauce, and cheese. "And you're looking at a 30-gram protein dinner."

Alexis loves Ancient Nutrition's chocolate bone broth collagen. "I love putting this in my coffee at the start of the day to get 14 grams of protein instantly. It fills you up until lunch and it tastes amazing," she says.

Speaking of protein, she said her three favorite protein sources were eggs, chicken, and cottage cheese. "I always add cottage cheese to my eggs for a little extra protein."

Alexis also consumes lots of lemon, noting that it's high in vitamin C, aids in detoxification of the liver, is high in soluble fiber, and is a natural diuretic.

In another TikTok, Alex reveals the food she ditched to lose weight. The first one? Almonds. While the nuts are a good source of healthy fat, they are also high in calories. She used to grab a few handfuls, which would surprisingly total up a whopping 800 calories.

She also eliminated "fake health food." This includes stuff like bottled smoothies, diet cereal, dried fruit, canola oil, agave, veggie chips, orange juice, and granola bars. "I cut this out and just focused on eating real foods," she said.

She also gave up high-sugar beverages. "There is so much sugar and hidden calories and carbs in these," she says. Instead, she suggests sparkling water, like Spindrift.

In another video, she reveals that intermittent fasting is also part of her routine.
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Alexis also sips on bone broth, which she says is high in protein and fills her up during the mid-afternoon snack period.