Newspaper Readers Shocked Thinking Wife "Outed" Cheating Husband in Ad
Once the truth behind the woman who wrote the ad was revealed, people loved it!
A woman named "Rose" took out a full page ad in an Australian newspaper to criticize her "cheating" husband and was slammed for going too far, while others cheered her offering their support. "Dear Mark, I hope she makes you happy you dirty cheat," the letter read. But there's more to the story and once the truth was revealed, readers laughed calling the ad "clever."

In the full-page ad that was published in the Byron Shire Echo newspaper, Rose called out her husband Mark for being a "liar" and "cheater." "Dear Mark, I hope she makes you happy you dirty cheat. The whole town knows you're a liar now. Congrats. from Rose. P.S. I'm keeping the Jungle Giants tickets."

Bryon Bay influencer Ruby Tuesday Matthews saw the ad and posted it on Instagram and people immediately stood by Rose. "I hope she paid for the ad with his card too," one person wrote. Another added, "I don't care what happened, I'm with Rose." Someone else commented, "Brilliant. Go rock a new life Rose now you've shed the deadweight." Another wrote, "Nothing worse than a cheater …nothing better than everyone knowing."

Jungle Giants got word of the ad and posted it on their social media telling Rose to contact them. "DROP A 🌹 FOR ROSE. People have been sending this in all day from The Echo Newspaper in Byron. WE STAND WITH YA ROSE, we got u. dm us which show you're coming to and we'll hook ya up x."

Echo Publications also posted the ad on their Instagram page, which sparked outrage from one woman." I don't agree with this at all. How is this any of our business? This is childish, school yard, bully antics, and not a great example to set for the younger generation." She continued, "I do not sympathize with Mark, as I too have been cheated on and boy did it sting… But the way in which we deal with things like betrayal as ADULTS, is so important. No one deserves to be ridiculed like this on a public stage, no matter how hurt Rose may be. It really represents the bitchy behaviour of this local collective, that is played out so often on certain public facebook groups. Shame!"

While some readers knew right away it was an ad for the band, the newspaper confirmed and people loved it. In response to the person who slammed "Rose" for the ad, the paper's social media team replied, "It's an advert for the Jungle Giants gig." The woman was so taken back and really didn't know. She wrote back, "Oh gosh, wow! Had no idea! What a strange way to advertise a gig." The team commented, "It's certainly different and I think they based it on an actual advert placed in the Mackay and Whitsunday Life last year which got a lot of attention. No harm intended just a bit of fun."

On various posts, hundreds of people commented how "clever" they thought the ad was and loved it. "Great advertising Jungle Giants," one person complimented the band. Another added, "Genius by The Jungle Giants," someone else commented, "I have a suspicion it's just excellent marketing BUT if not, Rose is my hero." Another wrote, "This is such clever advertising!!"