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Divorcing Woman's Viral Video Exposes Husband's Lazy Habits

She showed the world why in a viral video.

A woman who's separating from her husband has shown the world why in a viral TikTok video, presenting evidence of his "inattentive parenting" and accusing him of not doing any chores around the house while she worked 10-hour days. Lynalice Bandy, who goes by the name @5kids5dogssomecatstoo, is seen cleaning up her messy house, room by room, and explaining why she's about to leave her husband. Basically, he was lazy. Read on to find out what the video showed and what Bandy's doing now.

"These Rooms Don't Get Much Attention"


In the video posted last August, Bandy's first complaint is that her "soon-to-be-ex-husband" didn't clean up around the house as she had requested while she was in a busy patch at work. "I've worked six ten-hour days in a row with one day off for being a sick day," she said. But after coming home from work, she saw that the house hadn't been touched. Leaving her to do it herself. "I'd like to pretend I'm not the only person who cleans here, but as you can see …" she says, over shots of the cluttered house, with clothes, toys, and garbage scattered everywhere. "These rooms don't get much attention when I'm not here."

Frustrated By Husband's Excuse


In time-lapse, Bandy cleans every room in the house, including the kitchen, bedroom, and living room. At points, her kids pitch in to help. What we don't see: Her husband. "While summer session was happening, my soon-to-be-ex-husband claimed he couldn't watch the kids while he was focusing on homework," she said. However, school is now "out for break" and her husband "doesn't have that excuse anymore."



Bandy went on to say that "every single day I've gotten home from work, I've been met with one disaster or another caused by inattentive parenting." She listed them: "Scissors used to cut hair, the down comforter, the mattress cover, and TWO [dog] covers. Medications that have been gotten into and destroyed … My ex lost his temper and smashed my dogs' food bin." Meanwhile, her husband has been puttering around with the four vehicles in their driveway that he "wants to work on continuously … His obsession has hit an all-time high and he's even brought car parts into the dining room and left oil everywhere" she explained. She tagged the video #divorce, #parentingfail, and #depressionanxiety. 

Follow-Up Video Provides An Update


In a follow-up video posted last month, Bandy said she had moved out of the house two months earlier. But she's still seen cleaning the same rooms. "I left this house two months ago. And in that time, I have been told I'm not welcome to come here anymore," she said. "Yesterday though, I got to come in and help clean. This room has not been cleaned at all since I moved out." "You might ask why I'm doing this if it's his home," she added. "Because no matter where my children are spending time, they deserve a clean, functional space."

TikTok Commenters Weigh In

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The video has racked up more than 7.8 million views and 17,000 comments, with TikTok users largely supportive of Bandy's ordeal. "There is nothing more soul-draining than a 'partner' who is actually an extra child," one woman said. "Being a single parent while married is the worst," said another. "I'm glad you're changing that for yourself and the kids." "I'm very sorry you're going through this," another wrote. "I would suggest setting up a bed in the garage for your husband and telling him to go sleep with his cars."

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