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Natalee Holloway Suspect Joran van der Sloot Has "Fans" Who Send Him Hundreds of Dollars a Month in Prison

Van der Sloot’s attorney claims his client receive gifts from his lady fans.

Although he is a convicted killer and a longtime murder suspect in one of the most high-profile cases in recent history, Joran van der Sloot still attracts attention from the ladies behind bars. It was recently revealed that the 35-year-old, currently serving a 28-year sentence in the murder of Stephany Flores, is attempting to divorce his wife, whom he married while in prison, because of his much younger girlfriend. However, it's not just the love letters he is receiving behind bars. According to a new report, he has fans who send him hundreds of dollars every month. 

His Attorney Maximo Altez Claims His Fans Pay for His Attention


Van der Sloot, the only suspect in the high-profile disappearance of American student Natalee Holloway, is regularly sent cash from fans around the world. In a new interview with Fox New Digital, his attorney claims his multiple admirers are willing to pay for his attention. 

Fans "All Over the World" Send Him Letters


"All his fans from all over the world sent letters to Joran," his Peruvian lawyer,  Maximo Altez, told the publication. "I rented him a P.O. Box to receive them."

He Nets $400 Per Month, His Lawyer Reveals

Pulling Money Out of a Envelope, cash

"Some letters brought 10 euros, 20 euros, 5 dollars. They were girls who wrote and sent him letters with money, and he answered them all," he continued. According to Altez, van der Sloot nets a whopping $400 monthly from women. 

Joran Haws "A Bunch of Girlfirends," Lawyer Claims

RTL News

Joran has "a bunch of girlfriends," Altez recently divulged about his client, adding that despite marrying the mother of his child, Leidy Figueroa, in 2014, he "still writes to girls and they send him pictures."

He Is Currently Dating a "Prettier and Younger" Girl Than His Wife, According to His Lawyer

Eva Pacohuanaco/Facebook

Altez maintains that van der Sloot is currently in a relationship with Eva Pacohuanaco, a "prettier and younger" girlfriend previously accused of smuggling him drugs while he was incarcerated. 

His Wife Still Visits Him in Prison


According to Altez, the van der Sloot marriage started deteriorating in 2020 after the murderer was accused of bringing drugs into jail with Pacohuanaco. "Leidy continued seeing him for a while," he added. She "still visits" as she "likes the punishment" and "is nothing without" her husband, he says. 

He Asked for a Divorce a Year Ago


But Altez says that about a year ago, van der Sloot asked for a divorce and his wife became angry, lashing out at the lawyer. "She asked me: 'How could you?!' You were the Godfather of our marriage. She got mad. And she's partly right," he told Daily Mail

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