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Man Robs Woman at Gunpoint, Then Sends Her Facebook Message and Asks For Date

He told her she was too pretty to rob.

"So, how did you two meet?" is a common question couples are asked. A very uncommon response? "Well, he pointed a gun to my chest, robbed me, and then asked me to add him on Facebook." However, according to one woman, this is how a potential suitor propositioned her. Unfortunately, the potential love match didn't go as planned, and instead of getting to tell their meeting story at cocktail parties, he is currently behind bars. 

Woman Claims She Was Robbed While Walking Pets

ABC 7 Chicago/YouTube

Amber Beraun said that when she returned home from work, she popped into her house and brought her pets out. Then, Damien Boyce pointed a gun to her chest and walked her over to her car so he could steal the $100 she made delivering pizzas.

She also offered him a pizza. "I know it's hard when you're struggling," she told The Washington Post about what she said to him. 

He Allegedly Took $100 From Her at Gunpoint


"I give him the $100 thinking that's enough to sate him, and he will hopefully leave me alone," she said. However, she previously told him that she had a boyfriend. "Do you really have a boyfriend?" he asked. When she said yes, he responded: "Does he treat you right?"

She Says He Asked Her to Add Him on Facebook


He then told her to add him on Facebook. With a gun pointed at her, she obliged and typed his name into her app. Then, once directed to the correct profile, he made her tap "Add Friend."

He Messaged Her Within Hours and Told Her She Was Too Pretty to Rob


While most robbers would do anything to remain anonymous after committing a felony, Boyce messaged her within hours. In the message, he apologized, telling her she was too pretty to rob and promised to pay her back. "Look just know imma pay you back," he allegedly wrote. 

He Asked Her to "Come Chill" with Him

ABC 7 Chicago/YouTube

"I believe you man. I can tell you're sweet, times just get rough I know that," she responded. He also asked her on a date, inviting her to "come chill" with him. To his surprise, she never met up with him. Instead, she called the police.

He Was Later Arrested

Damien Boyce/Facebook

After a 1.5-month investigation, police charged him with armed robbery, a felony, and illegally carrying a handgun, a misdemeanor. He faces up to 17 years if convicted. 

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She Says "He Took My Sense of Safety"

ABC 7 Chicago/YouTube

While the monetary amount he took was small, she points out that more was taken. "He also took my sense of safety," she said. "Ultimately, I no longer feel safe on my own."

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