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Fox Presenter Charissa Thompson Shaken After Home Targeted by "Professional" Thieves

She watched the robbery after getting an alert on her phone. 

According to the Department of Justice, about 1.7 million home burglaries annually. The most common times for break-ins? During the hours of 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, when most homeowners are out of the house. On average, in the United States, a burglary happens every 25.7 seconds, with a total of $737,294,919,165 worth of property was stolen from homes each year. Fox presenter Charissa Thompson recently opened up about her own experience of having her home broken into by professional thieves, sharing details about what happened, how she was immediately alerted to the break-in, and how she watched the robbery go down. 

Thompson Discussed the Break-In on her Podcast


Thompson, who works for Fox and Amazon Prime, discussed the break-in during her podcast, Calm Down, with Erin Andrews. She revealed that as the robbery unfolded, she was watching it one her phone. 

She Got a Text That the Alarm Went Off and Coulds See the Guys Running Out Her Door

Calm Down with Erin and Charissa

"I was at the ranch. I got a text message in the morning that said my front door in L.A. had been, you know. … The alarm had went off at 12:15 at night. And I was like, that's weird. So, I checked my cameras and sure enough, two guys running out my front door, bags in their hands," she said. 

She "Immediately Started Bawling"

Calm Down with Erin and Charissa

"And I immediately started bawling and this feeling in my stomach of like… I've just been robbed. And now it's the panic of like, trying to check the other cameras, the angles, and to expedite the specifics," she continued. 

She Believes the Men Hopped Her Fence and Broke a Window

Calm Down with Erin and Charissa

According to Thompson, the most likely scenario is that the three men entered her property by jumping over her 15-foot back fence. They then broke a window, which set off the alarm and sent an alert to her phone.  

She Maintains They "Were Professionals"

Calm Down with Erin and Charissa

She added that the men knew exactly what they were doing. "These were professionals. They knew exactly how much time they had. They were only in there for four minutes," she said.

They Took Thousands of Dollars Worth of Stuff and Her "Sense of Security"

Calm Down with Erin and Charissa

Whale they took "thousands of dollars" worth of goods, the biggest loss was her safety. "They can take all that stuff. But the thing that they took to me that was the most valuable is my sense of security. And that's not something I can go claim on an insurance form."

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