Dentist Googled "Is Arsenic Detectable in Autopsy?" Before Allegedly Murdering Wife, Prosecution Says
New information has been revealed.
James Toliver Craig seemed to have a perfect life: A thriving dentistry career, a happy marriage, and six healthy children. However, on March 15, Angela Craig, his wife of several decades, complained she wasn't feeling well and died in the hospital hours later. Soon after, Craig was arrested and charged with her murder. According to investigators, Craig slipped poison into his wife's protein shake. This week, investigators claim that the accused killer had googled "is arsenic detectable in autopsy?"

According to the prosecution, in the weeks leading up to the murder, Craig was conducting research. He thought he was being clever by creating a new email address and using his work computer to google questions about crime.

Amongst the questions he asked? "How many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human" and "Is arsenic detectable in autopsy," according to an affidavit.

On February 27, the prosecution alleges that Craig ordered arsenic from Amazon. Then, they say, he waited until March 6 to slip it into her protein shake. Within two days, she was feeling dizzy, calling her husband and telling him she felt drugged.

Craig drove his wife to the hospital, telling staff that she had been suffering from headaches and dizziness. "Shortly after arriving at the hospital, the wife's condition deteriorated rapidly, and she was placed on a ventilator in an intensive care unit. She was declared medically brain dead a short time later," a statement from Aurora Police reads.

A dental office manager opened up a shipment on March 13, finding a "a bio-hazard sticker and what said 'Potassium Cyanide' on a circular canister," the affadavit states. After googling the symptoms of cyanide poisoning, the office manager called a colleague who called Craig's business partner to tell him. "As a mandatory reporter, the nurse called the police, and an investigation ensued," the affidavit states.

Investigators believe that the killing was motivated by a new love interest. They claim Craig exchanged erotic emails with a Texas orthodontist, who was scheduled to fly into Colorado to visit him the weekend his wife was killed.