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New Development in Case of American Who Pushed 2 Female Tourists Into Ravine At "Fairytale" Castle

One of the women died following the alleged attack.

Visiting castles is a fairytale bucket list item for many tourists vacationing around Europe. Of all the castles remaining on the continent, reportedly 25,000 of them are located in Germany. However, not every visit to them ends in a happily ever after. This week a dream trip turned into a nightmare when two tourists were pushed down a ravine while taking in the view. And, according to authorities, it was an American who pushed them. 

An American Man Was Arrested for Pushing Two Women Off the Ravine


Authorities have arrested a 30-year-old American man for the attack on two female tourists, aged 21 and 22. They believe he pushed them down a steep slope where one fell to her death.


They Were There to See a Castle


The incident occurred near Neuschwanstein castle in southern Germany, a popular tourist attraction. The women were standing near Marienbruecke, a bridge over a gorge where many tourists go to see the spectacular castle. 

He Lured Them Down a Path


According to police spokesman Holger Stabik, the unnamed man met the young women on a hiking path and lured them onto a trail to the viewpoint. However, it wasn't the view he wanted to show them. 

Then, He Attacked Them


"The younger of the two women was attacked by the suspect," Stabik maintains. "The older one tried to rush to her aid, was then choked by the suspect and subsequently pushed down a slope. "

One of Them Died


According to authorities, the American man assaulted the 21-year-old woman before pushing her to her death, where she fell 165 feet down the ravine, landing close to her friend. When a rescue team reached them, the 22-year-old was "responsive" and taken to a hospital.m A helicopter took the 21-year-old, who sustained serious injuries, to a different hospital. She died overnight.

He Tried to Flee But Was Arrested


The suspect attempted to flee the scene but was arrested shortly after, with a bystander filming the arrest. The man wore a t-shirt, jeans, and a baseball cap and had scratches on his face. "He did not say a single word. He didn't open his mouth; he didn't mumble," Eric Abneri, an American who filmed the arrest, told The Associated Press. "He just walked with the police and that was it."

None of Those Involved Have Been Identified


The suspect nor the victims have been identified. The suspect is being held in jail and is under investigation for suspicion of murder, and attempted murder.

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