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Woman Faked Brain Cancer to Duck Charges in Revenge Plot Against Politician, Says DA

Robin Niceta has been arrested on multiple charges.

Pretty much everyone on the planet has faked an illness at some point in their life, whether to avoid a test in school when they were a kid or as an excuse to miss a day of work. However, it isn't every day that someone pretends to have a fatal or chronic illness to dodge legal repercussions. This week, a former Colorado social worker was arrested for pretending to have brain cancer to get out of a criminal court appearance. 

A Social Work, Robin Niceta, Allegedly Lied About Having Brain Cancer


Robin Niceta, a former Arapahoe County social worker, was facing a criminal trial for allegedly filing a false child abuse report against a local elected official. According to authorities, in order to get out of appearing in court, she forged a brain cancer diagnosis. 

She Was Arrested on 10 New Charges

Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office

Last week she was indicted by the 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office and arrested in New Mexico on 10 new charges, including forgery and tampering with physical evidence and multiple counts of conspiracy to attempt to influence a public servant. She is awaiting extradition to Colorado. 

Initially She Was Arrested on Charges of Making Up a Claim That Danielle Jurinsky Molested Her Son


Over a year ago a warrant for Niceta's arrest was issued after she reportedly called an anonymous tip line, reporting that Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky molested her own 2-year-old son. Allegedly, Niceta was dating the former-Aurora police chief at the time, who Jurinsky had recently made negative comments about on a local radio show. 

The Anonymous Claim Was Traced to Her Phone


After cleaning Jurinsky of any wrongdoing, police traced the tip to Niceta's cell phone and charged her with a felony count of suspicion of attempting to influence a public servant and a misdemeanor count of making a false report about child abuse. 

Her First Lawyer Claimed She Wasn't Fit to Stand Trial


However, in March 2023 Niceta's attorney claimed her client was not fit to stand trial and asked to delay proceedings due to an alleged brain cancer diagnosis. Jurinsky immediately called her bluff and claimed she was "lying" about her health. 

The Lawyer Ended Up Withdrawing From the Case


In May Niceta's attorney withdrew from the case. Her new attorney backtracked on the former attorney's claim, telling the judge Niceta was in fact fit to stand trial. "[Niceta has been] lying, manipulating and abusing her power for years and years and years," Jurinsky told Fox News Digital in May. "And she thought she conjured up a way to also get past" her trial. 

She Event Acted Like She Had Brain Cancer in Live Interviews


In April Niceta and her mother appeared on a Zoom interview with CBS Colorado. The former social worker ​​"waved weakly one time" at the camera but "did not speak and appeared to be in a stupor," according to the report. Jurinsky added in her interview with Fox News Digital that Niceta "drooled" on herself during a legal Zoom call to sell the ruse that she was terminally ill. 

There Is Evidence She Made Up Her Doctor's Name and the Health Clinic


According to the new indictment, Denver District Attorney's Office was unable to verify the identity of a doctor Niceta named as her physician, "Dr. C. Marquez," or anyone by that name as a licensed doctor in the state of New Mexico. They also believe that she created a fake Facebook page for the New Mexico health clinic she claimed to receive treatment at. They also traced the phone number to a prepaid, no-contract TracFone account paid for by a credit card allegedly owned by Janice Dudley, Niceta's mother.

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