Serious sad woman thinking over a problem, man sitting aside, end of long-term relations, an alcoholic, drug addicted partner, poor conflict management skill, ongoing disagreements with adult son
Serious sad woman thinking over a problem, man sitting aside, end of long-term relations, an alcoholic, drug addicted partner, poor conflict management skill, ongoing disagreements with adult son

5 Subtle Signs Your Partner's Odd Habits are Dealbreakers

In every relationship, there are certain idiosyncrasies that make our partners unique and endearing. Maybe,...
Cop Saves Worker Struck by Lightning
Cop Saves Worker Struck by Lightning

Cop Saves Worker Struck by Lightning

The man had no pulse when the police officer arrived

Man Finds Python While Sitting on the Toilet
Man Finds Python While Sitting on the Toilet

Man Finds Python While Sitting on the Toilet

He noticed the serpent in his shower. 

A girl dressed as a tiger. Children's animotr in a soft costume of a wild cat.
A girl dressed as a tiger. Children's animotr in a soft costume of a wild cat.

Student Shamed for Questioning Cat-Classmate

Students question catgender identity.

Species That Threaten Native Wildlife 
Species That Threaten Native Wildlife 

Species That Threaten Native Wildlife 

Experts have heightened their warnings.

Woman Warned of Scam After Opening 41 Amazon Packages She Didn't Order; What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself
Woman Warned of Scam After Opening 41 Amazon Packages She Didn't Order; What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself

Woman Warned of Scam After Opening 41 Amazon Packages She Didn't Order; What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself

It's exciting to have a package show up when you weren't expecting anything, but for...
Sharks Attack Film Crew in Inflatable Boats
Sharks Attack Film Crew in Inflatable Boats

Sharks Attack Film Crew in Inflatable Boats

Film crew almost became an open water statistic.

Family Claimed to See Aliens
Family Claimed to See Aliens

Family Claimed to See Aliens

The family is standing by their story.

Midlife Blues? Try These 7 Tips.
Midlife Blues? Try These 7 Tips.

Midlife Blues? Try These 7 Tips.

Here's ways to help feel happier.

Exploring the Fountain of Youth
Exploring the Fountain of Youth

Exploring the Fountain of Youth

Taurine seems to help certain animals live longer.

Beware the "Lone Star" Tick
Beware the "Lone Star" Tick

Beware the "Lone Star" Tick

Here's what to know.

Husband Sues Captain After Parasail Accident
Husband Sues Captain After Parasail Accident

Husband Sues Captain After Parasail Accident

Wife was killed in a parasail accident. 

UFO Sightings Reported by Credible Witnesses
UFO Sightings Reported by Credible Witnesses

UFO Sightings Reported by Credible Witnesses

We round up the sightings.

Plus-Size Influencer Says Airlines Should Pay
Plus-Size Influencer Says Airlines Should Pay

Plus-Size Influencer Says Airlines Should Pay

Jae’lynn Chaney is challenging the FAA.

Residents Shaken to Find 10-Foot Crocodile Thrashing and Hissing in Their Pool
Residents Shaken to Find 10-Foot Crocodile Thrashing and Hissing in Their Pool

Residents Shaken to Find 10-Foot Crocodile Thrashing and Hissing in Their Pool

VIDEO VIDEO 2 The majority of homeowners with swimming pools are no strangers to finding...
Dead Fish Mystery
Dead Fish Mystery

Dead Fish Mystery

Experts believe low oxygen levels may be to blame.

Man Saves Roadrunner Hatchling
Man Saves Roadrunner Hatchling

Man Saves Roadrunner Hatchling

A “kindhearted” couple drove across the state.

Woman Who Called Police on Black Bird-Watcher
Woman Who Called Police on Black Bird-Watcher

Woman Who Called Police on Black Bird-Watcher

...loses bid to get job back.

Boat Capsizes in Underground Canal Tour
Boat Capsizes in Underground Canal Tour

Boat Capsizes in Underground Canal Tour

Nobody on board was wearing a life jacket.

Woman Wakes Up in Coffin at Her Own Funeral
Woman Wakes Up in Coffin at Her Own Funeral

Woman Wakes Up in Coffin at Her Own Funeral

Mourners heard odd noises from the casket.