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5 Subtle Signs Your Partner's Odd Habits are Dealbreakers

Here's how to navigate the weird and wild.

In every relationship, there are certain idiosyncrasies that make our partners unique and endearing. Maybe, for example, your partner continually leaves the kitchen cabinets slightly ajar, as if inviting a mischievous invisible friend to join your culinary endeavors. It's a small annoyance that elicits a playful eye-roll, but ultimately, it's a harmless quirk that adds a dash of character to the home. After all, life would be less colorful without those endearing oddities that remind us of the person we love.  Those on TikTok, a vibrant hub of ever-evolving trends, call these habits "beige flags," which introduces an innovative approach to assessing potential romantic partners. Read on to uncover signs of your partner's unusual habits and learn how to handle them effectively.

Think of Your Relationship Using This Color Coded System


Navigating the intricacies of relationships requires an understanding of the signs that indicate a healthy or problematic partnership. Green flags, such as effective communication, trust, support, and shared values, signify positive aspects in relationships. These flags foster mutual growth and happiness.  On the other hand, red flags, such as lack of communication, disrespect, control, unresolved conflicts, and lack of support, serve as warning signs. Recognizing and addressing these red flags is crucial to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. By being attentive to both green and red flags, individuals can build stronger connections and foster long-lasting love. But what happens when signs are neither clearly green nor clearly red, say… beige?

What Are Beige Flags?


A beige flag doesn't necessarily make your partner unappealing or is a deal breaker, but rather a minor quirk, habit, or aspect of the person's personality or behavior that makes the other person momentarily question or raise an eyebrow but doesn't necessarily warrant ending the relationship. So what are those beige flags?

Beige Flag 1: Dating Profiles

Adult woman pressing red heart like button below man's profile photo on dating app

When it comes to dating apps, certain things can come across as boring or uninteresting to potential matches. Tiktoker Caitlin MacPhail describes a beige flag as alluding in any way to TV Series The Office. "If you're looking for the Pam to your Jim, I'm just going to assume you have no deeper meaning," she said.

Beige Flag 2: Ordering at Restaurants

A close-up of a table at an Italian restaurant with pasta and wine.

"No matter the restaurant, he will ask the waiter what to order. No deliberation," says Hadar on her Tiktok, explaining her boyfriend's beige flag. "He will blindly order what the waiter says. No matter how awkward or embarrassed the waiter looks when he asks." 

Beige Flag 3: Regarding Sunscreen


Hayley Hypke describes her husband's beige flag with him never wearing sunscreen, claiming to "never burn."

"Except he always burns," She says. "Without fail."

Beige Flag 4: Knowing Your Directions


"My girlfriend's beige flag is that she doesn't know her lefts and rights, but also has a GPS in her brain," Mike Gottschalk posts. " You could drop her in the Amazon with nothing and she'd find her way out in 30 minutes. But, if you tell her to turn left she has to take 5 and make an L with her hands to figure it out."

How to Deal With Them


Over time, the initial infatuation may fade, and you will be left with the reality of who your partner truly is, including their quirks, habits, and unique qualities.  It's important to remember that every individual has different preferences and tolerances when it comes to relationships. What may be a beige flag for one person could be a significant concern or deal breaker for another. Open and honest communication between partners is crucial to address any concerns or questions that may arise, even if they are seemingly minor or inconsequential.


Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more
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