Want to Get Paid $10,000 to Walk? This Fitness Company Will Pay You to Hit 10,000 Steps in a Single Day
Get your application in and tie up those sneakers

Walking is one of the best ways to get exercise. According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that walking at a brisk pace for about 30 minutes a day led to a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia and death, compared with walking a similar number of steps but at a slower pace. How many steps should you get in per day? The general standard recommendation is 10,000. However, according to Mayo Clinic, the average person walks only 3,000 to 4,000. Need a little motivation to step your movement up? One fitness company is paying out $10,000 to hit 10,000 steps in a day.

GymBird, a new fitness company is looking to hire a CSO — Chief Step Officer. How much does the job-of-a-lifetime pay? $10,000 in a single day, according to the company's website.

"As a new company, we're excited to make our first hire! GymBird is seeking a Chief Step Officer to walk 10k steps in a single day and report on their experience, hopefully reaping many rewards along the way—including a $10,000 payment for completing the task," they write in their job description.

Even if you have no experience, you are still a candidate. "If you're new to fitness and this task seems daunting, still apply!" they add. "We'd love to help support people in their journey to work their way up to 10k steps in a day."

The person who gets the gig will train for a month, using a stopwatch from the company to track their progress. They will also be required to share about the experience on social media, with at least one post per week.

"By the last day of the month, they must walk the full 10,000 steps within a 24-hour period," they add in the job description.

Here is the fine print: Applications must be in by July 19, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. MST. Only those 18 years and up are eligible and you need to be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident.

"Years ago, I was in a severe car accident that resulted in severe nerve damage, and I had to relearn how to walk. So, walking for me is something that I don't take for granted," Ashley Walton, co-founder of GymBird, tells CNBC Make It.

"We really want to inspire people to take the next step in their fitness journey, and walking is a good way to start for a lot of people. And we've already received so many really neat and inspiring messages from people, saying that this has made fitness feel accessible and reachable to them."