Aliens Could Be Visiting Our Solar System and Releasing NASA-Like Probes, Pentagon Officials Say
As The X-Files insisted decades ago: Something may be out there. That's the message the...
A 1,000-Pound Meteoroid Crashed Over Texas, Shaking Residents' Houses, NASA Says
Last week, a huge meteoroid crashed into the Earth's atmosphere over Texas, a collision so...
Scientists Warn We Are Losing 10% of Our View of the Sky Each Year—Here's Why
Scientists are warning that we're losing up to 10% of our view of the sky...
Déjà Vu May Be Your Brain Correcting Its Own Errors, Scientists Say
It's one of the most unsettling human experiences and one of the most mysterious. Déjà...
Extremely Rare Meteorite That Contains Some of the Oldest Material in the Solar System Discovered in Antarctica
A rare meteorite that contains some of the oldest material in the solar system was...
6 Doctors Swallowed Lego Heads for Science—Here's What Happened Next
Anyone who's spent time around very young children knows that a large part of the...
Earth's Inner Core Has Stopped Spinning in the Same Direction as the Rest of the Planet, Study Says
A new study has found that Earth's core may have started spinning in a different...
Rich Guy Spends $2 Million Per Year to Look 18 Again—and His Doctors Say it's Working
If money was no object, how far would you be willing to go to slow...
Scientists Invent Shape-Shifting "Terminator" Robot to Escape Cage Through Metal Bars
The classic '90s sci-fi movie Terminator 2 depicted a shape-shifting humanoid cyborg that was capable...
NASA Reveals First Planet Discovered by James Webb Telescope and It's Strikingly Similar to Earth
The recently launched James Webb Space Telescope—a high-resolution camera that has the ability to capture...
Family of Alligators Surprises Detroit Police Serving Eviction Notice
Police officers in Detroit who were serving an eviction notice were shocked to discover that...
Dinosaurs Were Cut Down in Their Prime When Fatal Asteroid Hit Earth, New Study Reveals
It's widely understood that a catastrophic asteroid strike ended the era of the dinosaurs about...
The Oldest DNA Ever Discovered by Scientists Could Explain How Humans Evolved
Scientists have discovered the oldest DNA yet, and it may hold clues to how modern...