10 Proven Tips to Look and Feel Better After 50
Take action today to enhance your well-being in your sixth decade and beyond.

According to research—recently popularized in the book The Happiness Curve—people in their 50s are happier than those in their 20s and 30s, and happiness continues to climb with age. Not to discount the challenge that comes with aging: For one, you may wish you felt as energetic and physically fit as you did in your angsty 20s. But some shortcuts can help your health and appearance match your increased inner contentment in your sixth decade and beyond. According to experts, these are ten proven tips to help you look and feel better after age 50.

To look and feel your best after age 50, "Eat a plant-based whole foods diet," says Dr. Constance M. Chen, a board-certified plastic and reconstruction surgeon in New York City. "Avoid processed foods and sugars."

"Drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol," advises Chen.

"Exercise regularly to optimize cardiovascular fitness, increase muscle mass and bone density," says Chen.

"As a board-certified dermatologist, the most impactful anti-aging tip I can offer is to protect your skin from the sun," says Dr. Mary Alice Mina of Baucom & Mina Derm Surgery in Atlanta. "In addition to damaging the DNA and core of our cells, which can turn into skin cancer, UV rays from the sun also cause premature aging by increasing collagen loss in the skin. By protecting the skin from UV rays, you will keep your skin looking vibrant and more youthful for longer." She advises wearing SPF every day and sun-protective clothing like hats or long sleeves when outdoors.

"Chronic stress can have significant physical and mental effects, including accelerating the aging process," says Jennifer Silver, a dentist and owner of Macleod Trail Dental. "The body's stress response can trigger the release of stress hormones such as cortisol. When cortisol is elevated for extended periods, it can break down collagen and elastin in the skin, leading to premature signs of aging." Techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in enjoyable activities are effective at reducing stress.

"Water helps you look and feel younger since it helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It also lubricates your joints and keeps you moving freely while helping flush away waste. Salt, on the other hand, slows things down rather than flushing the body out," says Dr. Sergio Alvarez, medical director of Mia Aesthetics in Miami. "This leads to retaining water and creating a heavy, bloated appearance. It can also make your skin look puffy and have an aging effect."

"You can fight signs of aging on your face with a retinoid-containing product such as facial cream or moisturizer," says Alvarez. "Many of the anti-aging potions and lotions available on store shelves actually do very little (if anything) to fight aging. Retinoids, however, are highly recommended by dermatologists and accelerate cell renewal and collagen production."
"If your teeth are stained, a visit to the dentist for a professional tooth whitening service can take years off your smile," says Alvarez.

"Your hair will look richer and younger if you try and avoid or minimize heat styling and let your hair air dry as often as possible," says Alvarez. "You should also shampoo less often if you can, applying shampoo only every other day at most. Many people can get away with shampooing only two or three times a week. If you just can't stand to do this, consider using a dry shampoo in between washings to keep your hair looking its best without over-washing."
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An often overlooked tip for looking and feeling better as you age: "Smile and maintain a positive attitude about life," says Chen.