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The Real Reason Why This Young Princess Snubbed King Charles, According to Royal Expert

She doesn’t want a certain job. 

Ever since the death of Queen Elizabeth, there has been quite a bit of speculation about the circumstances surrounding the Counsellors of State, who upon King Charles's absence for any reason, can conduct state business, including appointment approvals and legislation. The Regency Acts of 1937 and 1953 states that Counsellors of State can be appointed from the four most senior adults in the line of succession, plus the consort of a monarch. Currently, that would include Queen Consort Camilla, Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, and Princess Beatrice.

However, according to reports, The Firm isn't keen on having Prince Harry and Prince Andrew, who are no longer working members of the Royal family, in this position. This would leave his wife, Prince William, and Princess Beatrice. However, now it seems as though one of these people doesn't want the responsibility. 

Princess Beatrice Is Allegedly Going to Decline


Despite the fact that Princess Beatrice and Queen Camilla were made into Counsellors of State, Princess Beatrice isn't planning on taking the role, according to Daily Express Royal Correspondent Richard Palmer. He added that it was "a bit weird" that she was handed it in the first place. 

She Is Not a Working Royal


"We now have a new top five in line for the throne," Palmer said. "We have a wife of the monarch, Queen Camilla, who is eligible to be Counsellor of State. And you also have William, Harry, Andrew and Beatrice – but those last three, none of them undertake sufficient duties to take the role."

She Allegedly Wants to Have a Career


Why wouldn't Beatrice want the role? Like her cousin Harry and father, Andrew, Beatrice isn't a working member of the Royal Family. "I mean, Beatrice, when she was still a student, said she didn't want a life of ribbon-cutting, she wanted to have a career," he pointed out. 

The King Will Have to Add New Working Members

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This will mean that the King will likely have to add new working members to the lineup. "You can't have a new law without royal assent. Cabinet appointments have to be approved by the monarch, or someone standing in for them. So it is a bit weird," he said. 

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If He Doesn't, Prince William Will Likely Be the Only One Who Can Take Over


"The problem is that three of the five – you have Prince Harry, Prince Andrew and Princess Beatrice – are no longer conducting public duties," added Dr. Craig Prescott, a constitutional expert from Bangor University, told ITV News. "But also you would expect that when the King is away, so would be the Queen traveling with him, so in practice you are only left with Prince William, and the practice is that two counsellors of state are required to act together."

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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