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Prince William's Staff "Planted Stories" About Prince Harry's Mental Health, Royal Author Claims. "No Coincidence."

Prince Harry’s biographer Omid Scobie makes an unrelenting accusation at the future King

It is no secret that Prince William and Prince Harry have been at odds ever since Meghan Markle came into the picture. The brothers, once thick as thieves, may have put up a united front for the sake of their family at their grandmother, Queen Elizabeth's funeral, but behind the scenes, the only children of King Charles are still very much estranged. There are many reports as to why exactly the brothers have been at odds, the majority of them surrounding Harry's relationship with his now-wife.

However, according to a new report, the bad blood goes much deeper. A royal author claims that Prince William's staff actually "planted stories" about Harry's mental health, which sparked the feud between them. Keep reading to learn more— and to explore secrets of the Royal Family, don't miss these The Biggest Royal Romance Scandals of All Time.

Omid Scobie Claims William's Aides Launched a Campaign Against Harry

Omid Scobie/Instagram

Omid Scobie, Prince Harry's biographer, claims that it was "no coincidence" that on the day Prince Harry confirmed that he and his brother were not getting along, William's aides started a campaign against him centering around his mental health. He discusses it in a new ITV documentary, Harry & William: What Went Wrong?

He Did So in Response to Harry's Explosive ITV Interview, Says Scobie


In 2019, during Harry and Meghan's tour of South Africa, Harry confessed to ITV journalist Tom Bradby that he and his brother "were on different paths." Meghan also said during the same interview that she was "surviving not thriving," and first made allegations against the family of mistreatment. "Not many people have asked me if I am OK," she said to him. 

William Couldn't Comment on the Interview, Says Scobie


As members of the Royal Family are supposed to refrain from discussing such matters at a public level, this was shocking for everyone – especially Prince William. And because of the family's policy on not commenting, he couldn't say anything in response. 

So, According to Scobie, He Planted Stories About Harry's Mental Health

Prince Harry

According to Scobie, this is why William's team created the narrative that he was "worried about Harry's mental health." However, he didn't offer any proof that this in fact occurred. 

Scobie Says "It Was No Coincidence"

Daniel Leavl-Olivas-Pool Getty Images

"I would say that it was no coincidence that it was shortly after that aired, even the next day, there were source quotes that came from a senior aide at Kensington Palace saying that William was worried about his brother's mental health," said Scobie. "That fed off such an ugly thing for Harry and it did not go unnoticed. Now whether William directed that or not, no one will ever know, but it came from his household that he is the boss of."

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