Kate Middleton Accused of "Freezing Out" Meghan in New Royals Report, and Here's Why
Body language experts had something to say about the shocking reunion of the “Fab Four.”

Last weekend's reunion of the Fab Four – Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle – was unexpected to say the least. After all, the brothers and their wives have been more or less estranged for the past few years, ever since Harry and Meghan's shocking Megxit from the United Kingdom and move to the United States. And, seeing as though the former working royals haven't been speaking very highly of their family members or The Firm in public interviews, and with the upcoming release of Prince Harry's tell-all, it didn't seem like the two couples would be reuniting anytime soon. Now, the future Queen Consort is being accused of "freezing out" her sister-in-law during their brief public encounter.

According to body language experts, while Prince William appeared to be making an effort with his sister-in-law, his wife wasn't quite so hospitable. Kate was shooting evil looks at Meghan during the walkabout to "freeze" her out.

"Quite unlike the confident Meghan we know, Meghan appeared ill at ease during this encounter, which is not surprising given the recent criticism that she has faced," Katia Loisal told Australia's Seven News. "On numerous occasions Meghan looked over at Kate, however, the gaze wasn't reciprocated." Instead, Kate appeared to "look through" her instead.

"Meghan's hand lifted hesitantly as if to wave, but stopped midair, rather pausing to adjust her hair, her head and gaze lowered, before looking up and giving a quick wave, her arm coming back to rest in front of her body in a partial arm barrier," Louisal continued.

Judi James added to the Daily Mail that she observed "no signs of affection" between the couples. "This is a phenomenal and unexpected scene that displays some natural caution and awkwardness in the body language, although as a statement of intent it seems choreographed as something of a loving tribute to the Queen and in some ways the new King, who took what was maybe the first step in speaking of his love for Harry and Meghan in his recent speech," she said.

"The four line up together to suggest some form of unity and it is William, with his puffed chest and air of confidence, who looks like the leader and instigator. Harry performs some clothing touch anxiety rituals but Meghan seems to be on hand to offer comfort, support and encouragement," James added. "There's no signs of relaxed engagement or even affection here but the fact they are lining up together and communicating again is impressive in itself."