Grinch Arrested After Allegedly Punching Reindeer at Christmas Party
He’s definitely on the naughty list.
It's that time of year again—police were called to a holiday party after a man dressed as a Grinch got into a fight with a man dressed as a reindeer. The Grinch was allegedly the aggressor and reportedly punched the reindeer, leading to police having to break up the party and take the Grinch into custody (makes sense the Grinch would be the one starting trouble, right?). Here's why the men were fighting at their work party (hint: it's reportedly connected to something they were drinking).

The work Christmas party took place at the Hotel Indigo in Traverse City, Michigan, on Saturday night (Dec. 3). According to reports, two men in their 30s—the Grinch and the reindeer—got into what is being called an alcohol-fuelled fight. Things took a turn when the Grinch allegedly punched the reindeer, and police were called to the party. The Grinch was arrested for assaulting the reindeer, and is probably on Santa's naughty list now.

HR departments are warning employees to behave themselves at work parties, as technically, they are still operating under the same rules as a normal work day. "Employers will be liable for any discrimination or harassment which is carried out by staff in the course of employment," says employment lawyer Julia Woodhouse. "In most instances, the office party is likely to be treated by an employment tribunal as an extension of the workplace – even when it takes place at an external venue – and employers will be liable for the actions of their staff.

Woodhouse recommends companies remind their employees about appropriate behavior before the drinking starts. "In order to avoid starting 2023 with an HR hangover, my advice for employers would be to make sure that they have told staff what behavior is – and isn't – expected of them before the music begins and the corks start popping,' she says. "The return of office Christmas parties should be a cause for celebration – and, with appropriate behavior, everyone can have a good time without the need for HR to step in on Monday morning."

Health authorities are advising people to use common sense measures in order to prevent holiday parties becoming superspreader events. "Thinking carefully about the location of your Christmas celebration can really help prevent the spread of influenza and COVID viruses," says Victoria Easton, Virology Research and Teaching Fellow, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds. "Both flu and COVID are spread by small liquid droplets when we breathe, speak, cough and sneeze. Somewhere outdoors like an open-air ice rink or rooftop bar is the perfect choice."
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For the sake of everyone's health this winter, maybe give karaoke a miss. "What's planned for the office Christmas party? A simple meal and a few drinks? Or is something a bit more interesting on the agenda? It seems that Christmas parties with activities (like escape rooms) and themes (such as casino) are on the rise," Easton says. "When it comes to having a COVID-safe Christmas party, I'm afraid karaoke is on the naughty list. One study found that we produce higher rates of aerosols (tiny particles which can contain an infectious virus) during singing compared with breathing and speaking. And anecdotally, singing has been linked to a few superspreader events. So maybe pick something else this year."