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Influencer Dropped by Beauty Brand Over Shocking Revelation of Childhood Cat Murders

In an attempt to address the public outrage, she claimed that her remarks were simply "light humor."

Australian beauty influencer Emma Claiir has been dropped by the skincare brand MCoBeauty after she made a shocking confession about killing two cats when she was a child. Claiir, 28, made the comments on Simply Chaotic, a podcast she co-hosts, earlier this week. After a public outcry, she attempted to explain the comments as "light humor."

When that didn't go over well—as evidenced by the beauty brand cutting ties—she posted a full apology to Instagram. Read on to find out more about what Claiir said about the cat killings and the ensuing drama that erupted.

The Controversial Confession

Speaking on Simply Chaotic, Claiir said, "I killed my cat … My sister did not speak to me for months, and my mum was …fuming at me, and yeah, I killed it. I was swinging my cat around. Like, I was thinking it was just a stuffed toy. And I accidentally let go of it." "And then, if you really want to know more about me, I also killed my best friend's cat," she added. 

"A Bit of Light Humor"

Claair's remarks were met with swift and loud criticism online, and she attempted to explain them away as "a bit of light humor," reported. "To the people offended by my story in today's simply chaotic episode that I just shared… it happened 21 years ago. I was a small child… accidents happen and you all need to chill," she posted to her Instagram account.

"I hope that you are not the same person you were at nine years old and I can confirm that after that accident I have been the mother both to multiple cats including my baby Fred." She added: "It's a bit of light humor in a get to know us episode and if you can't handle that then simply chaotic ain't for you. So byeeeee."

Company Ends Association in Statement

"Byeeeee" is essentially what MCoBeauty said to Claair after the non-apology, issuing its own Instagram statement that the company had parted ways with the influencer. "It has come to our attention that Emma Claiir recently relayed a story on her podcast discussing an incident of animal cruelty from her childhood," the statement read.

"We were dismayed by this story, and will no longer be working with Emma in future." "Here at MCoBeauty, we take instances like this extremely seriously and do not condone animal cruelty of any kind," the company added. "Thank you to all of those who have taken the time to bring this situation to our attention."

Introspective Apology Followed


In the wake of that statement, Emma posted a second statement of her own. "Hello friends, I would like to jump on here and firstly apologize for the story mentioned in episode one of simply chaotic. I am well aware that the story was not light humor and in fact very serious. It was not intended to come across the way that it did as it was simply just a story from the past about an accident that was made as a little kid but I can see how it has come across like that."

She added, "I have taken time to think about my actions and want to confirm that I do have empathy about the situation and it's not something I am proud of as it really hurt myself and my family 21 years ago."

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"I Am a Loving Person to All Things Living"


"I am a loving person to all things living and have since been the most amazing cat mum to multiple cats and dogs. I am now also a loving mum to a little boy and have definitely grown up from that little nine-year-old kid," she wrote. "Again I deeply apologize for those effected [sic] by an accident that happened in the past and I hope we can leave it there."

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