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20 Iconic Music Videos from the '80s That Still Rock

The 1980s were a very special time for both music and music videos. Artists such...

10 Scientifically Proven Causes of Obesity

According to the CDC, 41.9% of US adults are living with obesity. "Obesity is a...

7 Things You Should Never Do in an Emergency Room, Say Doctors

If you're having a medical emergency and need to go to the ER, don't hesitate...

7 Dress Code Tips for Seniors

How you dress can add or take years off your appearance. If it's been a...

7 Things You Should Never Do on a Diet

If you've decided it's time to lose weight, get healthy or both, how you approach...

15 Bestselling Novels from the '70s and '80s You Should Read Again

The 1970s and 1980s gave us some of the most groundbreaking and critically acclaimed books...

11 Clues Your Partner Might Be Cheating

If you have a feeling something isn't right in your relationship, don't ignore it—there might...

15 Common Scams Seniors Should Avoid

According to a report from AARP, a whopping 42 percent of adults in the U.S....

Brain Games: Sharpen Your Mind With These Quiz Questions

It's very important to keep your mind sharp as you age—and why not make it...

20 Classic Cars That Defined the '60s + '70s

Many of these models are worth $$$.

18 Tips for Navigating the Dating World After 60

Bette Davis once said "getting old ain't for sissies"—and she could have been talking about...

15 Legal Pitfalls Seniors Should Avoid

Don’t let these mistakes ruin retirement.  

20 Common Marriage Killers to Avoid

Even the strongest marriage can be fractured if taken for granted—but it doesn't have to...

11 Longevity Secrets from a 100+-Year-Old

What does it take to live to over 100? "Research suggests our genetic makeup only...

15 Financial Mistakes Seniors Should Avoid

Good financial planning can make the difference between a stressful retirement and one where you...

Are You Old Enough to Recognize These Retro Gadgets?

The 20th century gave us some of the most impressive and groundbreaking advancements in technology,...

The '60s and '70s Slang Challenge – Are You Groovy Enough?

The slang terms of the 1960s and 1970s are so colorful and piquant, many are...

15 Things You Should Never Say to Your Adult Children

Parent-child relationships can be complex and complicated, and it's easy to forget your adult children...

15 Dietary Choices Seniors Should Avoid

Diet is crucial for a healthy life, especially as we age. "Good nutrition across the...

16 Old Love Songs Better Than Ones Today

Elvis, we miss you. 