Fearful Moment Officer Dodges Pickup Truck Before it Smashes into Police Cruiser on Highway
This was a very close call.

An Ohio driver came close to colliding with a police officer when his pickup truck veered out of control and smashed into a police cruiser parked on the side of the road. The officer was responding to a single-car crash and standing on the shoulder of the highway when he caught sight of the out-of-control car barreling towards him at top speed. The police dash cam caught the entire terrifying incident—here's what it showed and what happened to the driver of the pickup.

Icy, blizzard conditions have caused several accidents across the US—and this one was a near-miss (at least, as far as the police officer was concerned. His car didn't fare so well). An officer in Willoughby, Ohio, was assisting a driver involved in a single-car accident on Christmas Day at around 11.16 am when he was almost killed by an out-of-control driver.

The officer was standing near the vehicle, watching incoming traffic when he noticed something concerning: A Toyota Tundra pickup truck was coming towards him at top speed without stopping, and he had to quickly decide what to do. Footage shows the exact moment the officer sees the car and jumps onto the center median to escape it, yelling, "Hang tight!" at the driver he was helping (who was still in his car).

The Tundra smashes into the rear passenger side of the police cruiser with a loud bang, and parts of the car are seen flying in all directions. After fishtailing on the ice, the pickup skids to a stop just down the road on the snowy shoulder.

The unharmed police officer immediately radios for help, saying his car is smashed, although he himself isn't hurt. "No injuries with me. I'll check on the driver," he said before running towards the pickup. "Slow down!" he warned another car that was passing.

The 63-year-old driver of the pickup was unharmed, but the crash report stated the police cruiser had "disabling damage." The Tundra driver was ticketed for failure to control and has an upcoming court date. Icy road conditions were noted as a factor in both the single-car accident and subsequent pickup truck collision.

Driving on icy roads can be dangerous, but with the right precautions, you can reduce the risk of accidents and arrive at your destination safely. Here are some tips for driving on icy roads:
Slow down: It's essential to reduce your speed when driving on icy roads. Your tires have less traction on ice, so it will take longer to stop or change direction.
Increase following distance: Give yourself plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you. The extra space will give you more time to react if you need to stop suddenly.
Avoid sudden movements: Sudden movements, such as sudden braking or turning, can cause you to lose control of your vehicle on icy roads. Make smooth, gradual movements when driving on ice.
Use your brakes gently: If you do need to brake on icy roads, do it gently to avoid skidding. If you have an anti-lock braking system (ABS), you can brake more firmly. If you don't have ABS, pump your brakes gently to avoid skidding.
Stay in control: If your vehicle begins to skid, try to stay calm and steer in the direction you want the front of your vehicle to go. If you're sliding sideways, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.
Avoid using cruise control: It's best to avoid using cruise control when driving on icy roads. If you lose traction, the vehicle may continue to accelerate, which can be dangerous.
By following these tips and using caution, you can safely navigate icy roads and arrive at your destination. Remember to always drive defensively and be prepared for the unexpected when driving in adverse weather conditions.