Florida Woman Who Allegedly Caused Crash After Driving the Wrong Way Blames Oncoming Traffic: "Their Bad"
The 71-year-old female driver suffered "significant but non-life-threatening injuries."

A Florida woman who allegedly caused a crash after driving the wrong way down a highway is blaming oncoming traffic for the collision, saying it was "they're bad." Anessia Jines, 20, has been charged with aggravated battery after multiple witnesses reported her speeding in the wrong direction way down Highway 98 in her Nissan Sentra. The resulting crash led to a man in his 70s being injured, and Jines allegedly argued with police who tried to detain her at the site of the collision. Read on to find out what happened, see photos from the crash, and read eyewitness accounts from people who said they narrowly avoided colliding with Jines' car.
Woman Accused of Purposely Causing Head-On Collision

According to CBS 12, several witnesses told the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office that Jines was speeding down Highway 98 around 1 p.m. on Feb. 18. Deputies say Jines was driving the wrong way, deliberately swerving to try to collide with oncoming traffic. Eventually, Jines slammed into a Toyota. Its 71-year-old female driver suffered "significant but non-life-threatening injuries," the station reported. Jines was uninjured in the crash and apparently had words with a deputy who tried to prevent her from walking away from the scene of the accident.
Crash Was "Their Bad"

Photos from the collision show two cars with demolished front ends, one resting in a grassy stretch by the side of the highway. A tire and debris can be seen strewn across the road. An off-duty deputy told CBS 12 that Jines refused to walk to a responding patrol car, and he detained her as she started to walk away. When he restrained Jines, she asked, "Why are you touching me?" He said, "Because you could have killed someone." According to the deputy, Jines was not sympathetic. She blamed the other drivers for the crash, saying it was "they're bad." Jines has been charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and resisting an officer.
Eyewitnesses Comment on Sheriff's Office Post

When the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office posted about the incident on their Facebook page, commenters weighed in. Several claimed to have witnessed Jines speeding down the highway and narrowly avoided colliding with her car. "She almost hit us head-on, and my husband drove onto the sidewalk to avoid it," said one commenter. "When I called 911, the dispatcher said I wasn't the only person reporting her and that police were on the way. I hope the 71 year old woman is all right. Terrifying." "I was on 98 when she was there…she almost hit me," wrote another commenter. "It was terrifying. I hope she gets the help she needs. She is lucky she didn't kill anyone. She was flying into traffic head on!" "We saw her and she came head on towards us," wrote another. "We couldn't figure out what was going on, realized she wasn't going to budge, and my husband swerved at the last minute to avoid her. I can still see the look on her face and it was one of calm. It definitely looked like she was content in her decision to drive in the wrong direction."
Commenters Wonder About Charges

"Curious why the charges aren't more severe," one Facebook commenter wondered. "Attempted vehicular homicide should also be a charge!" another commenter weighed in. "How awful and scary. Prayers for the lady that was hurt and that she makes a full recovery." "Just because she's in a bad mental state and wants to end her life doesn't mean she needs to put others at risk," said another. "A screening definitely needs to be done for her safety and the safety of everyone."
Driver Held Without Bond

According to court records, Jines was being held without bond in the Okaloosa County jail. "We want to express our gratitude to all the callers who alerted the OCSO to the dangerous situation and those who stopped to assist in the investigation," the sheriff's office said.