Man Wrestles Six-Foot Kangaroo to Rescue His Drowning Dog
Mick Moloney saved his dog from a violent kangaroo.
Many people think of kangaroos as adorable, furry animals that bounce around Australia with smiles on their faces and babies in their pouches. However, the marsupial can actually be quite feisty and downright violent, one man learned the hard way during an altercation he had with one, involving his dog.

Mick Moloney had a showdown with a six-foot kangaroo during a day at the Murray River near Mildura in the southern state of Victoria. The incident went down after the kangaroo attacked his dog.

"I looked [towards the river] and behind these reeds, I could just see this massive kangaroo…standing there with his arms actually in the water just staring at me," he said.

"After about 15 seconds, Hutchy came up and he was in a headlock with this kangaroo. Water was just gushing out of his mouth and he yelped quite badly," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

He feared that Hutchy was in danger of drowning so he was forced to intervene. However, he decided to record the incident, fearing that nobody would believe him.

In the clip you can see him wading into the water to scare off the six-foot-tall kangaroo. "I'm going to punch your f—ing head in. Let go of my dog," he screams at it.

The kangaroo lashed out at him, clawing him in the chest. His phone flew into the water and the video went black.

"The muscles on this thing, I was (thinking) 'this thing's just got out of jail or something'. It was jacked."

He fished the phone out of the water and it started recording again, capturing the kangaroo taking another swipe. You can also hear him laughing in the background. He later described the scene as "a bit of a tussle".

In the end, the dog escaped the clutches of the kangaroo. "I got my dog back, that's the main thing," he said.

Moloney, who practices mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu jitsu, has been getting laughs from his friend. "I'm getting a lot of people sending me messages [asking] 'what are we doing now, roo-jitsu?'" he said.