Jesse Watters' Mom Calls Into Show to Warn Him of "Conspiracy Rabbit Holes"
Her “mother knows best” advice was hilarious.

It is uncommon for parents to give their children advice, no matter how young or old they are. However, the majority of the time, they do so in a somewhat private setting – not in their place of work, especially if that happens to be live on the air in front of millions of other people. However, Jesse Watters' doting mother called into her son's brand new show, Jesse Watters Primetime, on Monday. And during the live broadcast, she gave him some serious advice, suggesting he dodge "conspiracy rabbit holes," unless he wants to lose his job.

Dr. Anne Watters, a child psychologist with a progressive political stance contradictory to that of her conservative son, congratulated him on his first broadcast this week live on the air. However, she couldn't help but give him a little "mother knows best" advice.

The broadcast started with Watters introducing his mom as "a Democrat." She then brought up his predecessor, Tucker Carlson, giving him suggestions on how to avoid a similar fate.

"Congratulations, honeybun, we are so proud of you and your accomplishments," Anne Watters said. "Now let's aim to have you keep your job. And to that end, I do have some suggestions," she said, suggesting he give up "Biden bashing" and cut back on coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop scandal.

"Do not tumble into any conspiracy rabbit holes," she continued. "We do not want to lose you and we want no lawsuits, OK?"

Anne Watters cited the Hippocratic oath in asking her son to "be kind and respectful," while conceding that the prospect of him becoming "humble" was "a stretch."

"Perhaps you could suggest that your people take less interest, for example, in other people's bodies," she added. "And you could talk about that."

"I want you to seek solutions, versus fanning the flames," she said. "You could encourage that Bedminster friend of yours to return to his earlier career in television. Everyone in his audience could wear a red hat," she added, referring to former POTUS Donald Trump.