A nun in Buffalo, New York, fearlessly faced up to would-be robbers and chased them away after claiming God was on her side. The brave woman noticed the men trying to break into the Response to Love Center, a charitable place where the needy can get meals and other assistance. "It's a dining room. It's a place of safety, people coming together, enjoying a meal, and just experiencing so much joy. Why would someone want to hurt that mission?" she says. Despite being outnumbered by the thieves, Sister Mary Johnice refused to back down and let the robbers steal from people who already have so little. Here's how she got rid of them.

Sister Mary noticed something was awry after morning prayers on a Saturday—she heard strange noises and went to investigate, NY Post reports. When she stepped outside the building, she saw a stepladder on the side and a man running away. Another man was on the roof.

Sister Mary sprang into action. "I said, 'He's got to come down, but not on this ladder,'" she said. "So, by the grace of God, I grabbed the ladder, threw it down, looked up, and the fellow jumped down, stood beside me."

Sister Mary was determined to protect the property of the church. "I said, 'This is God's property. This is God's mission. How dare you do this?'" she said. "I pointed my finger and I told him, 'Get out' and he ran away."

Sister Mary says the experience only served to reinforce her beliefs and mission in life. "It's just an experience of God," she shared. "It's an experience where God is so present. He wants that mission to reach out to poor people, to really share that they're loved, compassion."

Sister Mary explained the Response To Love Center was located in a neighborhood notorious for crime and danger. "I have an identity that I share with my people. I'm no better and no different," she said. "I want to be there and the building that we're in is special. It's a dining room. It's a place of safety, people coming together, enjoying a meal, and just experiencing so much joy. Why would someone want to hurt that mission?"