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Top 20 Habits of Highly Successful People

Here's how they make it happen.

In a world where success seems elusive to many, there exists a select group of individuals who consistently rise above the rest. They are the epitome of achievement, admired for their remarkable accomplishments and unwavering determination. But what sets these highly successful people apart from the crowd? In this article, we delve into the top 10 habits that have become the driving forces behind their exceptional triumphs. From Elon Musk's audacious goal-setting to Oprah Winfrey's insatiable thirst for knowledge, we explore the strategies employed by these influential figures. Prepare to be inspired as we unveil the habits that have propelled highly successful people to greatness and learn how you can embrace them to unlock your full potential.

Goal Setting – Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is controversial, for sure. He's also by every measure accomplished. Highly successful people have a clear vision of their goals. Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind SpaceX and Tesla, sets audacious goals, such as colonizing Mars and revolutionizing the electric vehicle industry. His unwavering focus on these objectives drives his relentless pursuit of success, even as it causes chaos in its wake.

Continuous Learning – Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival in 2014
Kathy Hutchins /

Success comes to those who never stop learning. Oprah Winfrey, the renowned media mogul, is a perfect example. She credits her success to her insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Winfrey constantly immerses herself in books, attends seminars, and engages in meaningful conversations, continuously expanding her wisdom.

Resilience – Nelson Mandela


Highly successful individuals face setbacks but bounce back stronger. Nelson Mandela, the iconic South African leader, experienced numerous challenges during his fight against apartheid. Mandela's unwavering determination and resilience in the face of adversity allowed him to overcome obstacles and bring about significant societal change.

Time Management – Warren Buffett


Successful people understand the value of time and manage it wisely. Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and philanthropist, is known for his exceptional time management skills. He carefully selects the most important tasks, prioritizes them, and delegates effectively, enabling him to maximize productivity and achieve outstanding results.

Discipline – Cristiano Ronaldo


Discipline is a key habit of highly successful individuals. Cristiano Ronaldo, the world-renowned footballer, exemplifies this. Ronaldo's rigorous training regime, strict diet, and unwavering commitment to his craft have propelled him to the pinnacle of his profession, earning him numerous accolades and records.

Networking – Richard Branson


Successful people understand the power of connections. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is a master networker. His ability to build meaningful relationships and connect with influential individuals has opened doors to countless opportunities and contributed to his entrepreneurial success.

Positive Mindset – Serena Williams


Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for success. Serena Williams, the tennis champion, exemplifies this habit. Despite facing numerous challenges throughout her career, Williams maintains an unwavering belief in her abilities. Her positive attitude and resilience have helped her overcome obstacles and become one of the greatest athletes of all time.

Persistence – Thomas Edison

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Highly successful people never give up. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phonograph and the electric light bulb, failed numerous times before achieving his breakthroughs. Edison's relentless persistence and unwavering determination to find solutions to problems have become legendary and have made him a symbol of perseverance.

Self-care – Arianna Huffington


Taking care of oneself is crucial for sustained success. Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of The Huffington Post, emphasizes the importance of self-care and well-being. Through her advocacy for sleep, meditation, and work-life balance, Huffington promotes the idea that prioritizing personal health ultimately leads to greater productivity and success.

Adaptability – Jeff Bezos


Highly successful people embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is a prime example. Bezos's ability to pivot his business and continuously innovate has allowed Amazon to evolve from an online bookstore to a global e-commerce giant. His willingness to embrace change and take calculated risks has been instrumental in his success.

Authenticity – Brené Brown


Highly successful people often embrace authenticity. Brené Brown, a renowned research professor and author, embodies this habit. Brown's willingness to be vulnerable, genuine, and true to herself has resonated with millions worldwide, enabling her to make a profound impact with her research on vulnerability, courage, and resilience.

Leadership – Angela Merkel



Leadership is a crucial habit of highly successful individuals. Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, exemplifies this trait. Merkel's calm and pragmatic leadership style, her ability to navigate complex political landscapes, and her commitment to consensus-building have made her one of the most influential leaders of our time.

Creativity – Lin-Manuel Miranda



Creativity is a key habit that highly successful people cultivate. Lin-Manuel Miranda, the acclaimed playwright and composer, embodies this quality. Miranda's innovative approach to storytelling and his ability to blend different artistic styles have resulted in groundbreaking works such as "Hamilton" and "In the Heights," making him a creative force to be reckoned with.

Risk-taking – Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook

Highly successful individuals are not afraid to take risks. Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, embodies this habit. Zuckerberg's daring move to transform Facebook from a college networking platform into a global social media giant demonstrates his willingness to take calculated risks and push boundaries, propelling his success.

Integrity – Mary Barra

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Integrity is a fundamental habit of highly successful individuals. Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors, exemplifies this trait. Barra's commitment to ethical leadership, accountability, and transparent communication has reinvigorated GM's corporate culture, strengthened customer trust, and positioned the company for long-term success in the automotive industry.

Self-reflection – Tim Ferriss

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Highly successful people understand the importance of self-reflection. Tim Ferriss, a renowned author and podcast host, embraces this habit. Ferriss regularly engages in introspection, self-experimentation, and continuous learning to optimize his personal and professional life, and shares his insights to empower others to do the same.

Adaptability – Ginni Rometty


Adaptability is a key habit highly successful individuals possess. Ginni Rometty, the former CEO of IBM, personifies this trait. Rometty successfully led IBM through a transformative era, embracing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and cloud computing, and positioning the company as a leader in the digital age.

Focus – Larry Page

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Exceptional focus is a habit highly successful individuals possess. Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, exemplifies this quality. Page's unwavering focus on user experience, innovation, and long-term growth has propelled Google's success and enabled the company to revolutionize the way we access information and connect with the world.

Empathy – Malala Yousafzai



Empathy is a habit highly successful individuals often embody. Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and activist, exemplifies this quality. Yousafzai's unwavering empathy for the plight of girls' education, her determination to speak out against injustice, and her advocacy for equal rights have made her a global symbol of courage and compassion.

Grit – Angela Duckworth



Grit, the combination of passion and perseverance, is a habit highly successful people often possess. Angela Duckworth, a psychologist and researcher, has dedicated her career to studying grit. Duckworth's work highlights the importance of long-term commitment, resilience, and unwavering determination in achieving exceptional results.  The habits of highly successful people offer valuable insights into achieving greatness. By incorporating these habits into our own lives, we can strive for success and unlock our full potential. Whether it's setting clear goals, continuously learning, or embracing resilience, these habits can guide us on the path to achievement, just as they have done for the remarkable individuals mentioned above.


Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more
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