"I'm Done Having Babies!" Dad's "Real" Reaction to Wife's 4th Pregnancy Announcement Goes Viral
The pregnancy reveal video is beyond hilarious.
Every single day excited expectant parents upload videos of their pregnancy reveals onto social media, hoping they will go viral. Most of them follow the same formula: The wife shares the happy news with her partner, who gets super excited and emotional. The End. However, a new pregnancy announcement is going viral for a very different reason. A father-of-three, who thought he and his wife were done having kids, gets an unexpected surprise and throws a toddler-style tantrum.

Anissa Cofer, from Rockwall, Texas, recently shared her pregnancy announcement with TikTok of a truly hilarious moment. "When you're done having babies but get a positive test, and your husband's reaction isn't what you expected… excuse the language," she captioned the clip.

At the start of the video, Anissa sets up a hidden camera in her bedroom. The intention? To get her husband's reaction to their unplanned pregnancy after deciding their third child would be their last.

"You got that thing today," she says to her husband, who is seemingly expecting something other than a pregnancy reveal in the Fed Ex envelope. He opens it. "Anissa, stop playing with me," he says to her.

In the video, James looks down at a paper revealing the pregnancy and shouts, "Anissa, no!" repeatedly. "No, baby!" She tries to tell him that she's not joking.

She then confirms the news with a positive pregnancy test. "Babe!" he yells, jumping up and down and saying "no" over and over again.

Luckily, James came around to the idea. "Needless to say, she is the blessing we never knew we needed," she added in the caption of the video. In newer videos, James looks besotted by his baby girl, who the couple named Nola Jayde.

While some people had negative things to say about his response, Anissa defended him. "In no way was his reaction hurtful. It's an in the moment reaction of complete shock," she wrote. "She's the biggest blessing, and he's the best daddy to our babies."