Why CNN Anchor Nixed Feed of Trump's Cafe Visit: "I Don't Need to See Any More of That"
Jake Tapper wasn’t thrilled about the footage aired of Trump’s campaign stop.

How do you celebrate your birthday (along with a new indictment) if you are Donald Trump? With a Cuban meal in Miami. On Tuesday, the day before the former United States President turned 77, the controversial politician pled not guilty to 37 new criminal charges and then followed his court appearance with a dinner at one of South Florida's most famous Cuban restaurants. However, one CNN correspondent refused to air the footage, and here is why.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper was on the air discussing his indictment, when footage of the former President walking into Versailles in Little Havana, Miami, was airing. However, Tapper wasn't impressed by the video, dubbing it a "spectacle" and a "campaign ad."

"To the folks in the control room, I don't need to see any more of that. He's trying to turn it into a spectacle and into a campaign ad. That is enough of that. We've seen it already," Tapper said to his colleagues.

An MSNBC anchor expressed similar sediments. "We don't need to see that anymore, we know where he is," Nicolle Wallace said just after Trump entered the restaurant.

"Fake Tapper just demanded that his broadcast be closed down from Miami because there was far too much enthusiasm on the streets for 'Trump.' The good news is, he was the only one to do so, perhaps a good explanation as to why CNN's ratings are so low!" Trump commented about Tapper's narrative.

According to The Tampa Bay Times, Trump's supporters were thrilled with his visit. "Are you ready? Food for everyone!" he yelled as he walked in with multiple patrons blowing kisses and singing Happy Birthday to him.

"They stood over him and prayed together. It was really beautiful. He seemed relaxed and very happy to be with the people, as always,'' Ambar Sanchez, 24, who was in the bakery when he walked in, said.

According to the publication, Trump also commented on his legal troubles. "I think it's going great … we have a rigged country," he said before leaving the restaurant.